Living a "Genius Life" as Told By Max Lugavere

I love health and wellness and I love to read. This makes me the perfect audience for books referencing nutritional studies and health experiments. Max Lugavere’s Genius Life is just as good as his first book and dives deep into all of the ways you can up-level your environment to improve your health.

Max Lugavere Genius Life

Here are the most interesting things I learned from the book:

  1. It is recommended to consume 15g of glycine each day, which amounts to 45g of collagen.

    “Glycine, the simplest of the amino acids, is an essential component of important biological molecules, a key substance in many metabolic reactions, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and brain stem, and an anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, and immune modulating substance” (“Glycine--an important neurotransmitter and cytoprotective agent”).

  2. Limiting your feeding window to 8-12 hours a day (also known as fasting) will decrease insulin, decrease mTOR, and increase AMPK.

    It is well known that we want our insulin to remain low, but what about mTOR and AMPK? What are these and what do they do? mTOR promotes growth and is responsible for forming the connections between your brain cells, or synapses. However, too much of it can actually cause this process to halt.

    AMPK reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, and increases fat burning. It is also known to stimulate a protein called FOXO3, which is often called the longevity protein. It helps your body better handle stress and may prevent age-related diseases.

  3. Vitamin D deficiency may be linked with depression, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune disorders.

    Did you know 42% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D? This important nutrient can stimulate immune cells to clean up amyloid buildup in the brain, reduce chronic inflammation, and slow aging. Depending on different factors such as age, season, skin complexion, and sunscreen use, you should be exposing yourself to the sun for 5 minutes to 2 hours each day. Check out the graphic in this article.

  4. BPA was originally manufactured as a hormone replacement for estrogen, meant to alleviate cramps and prevent miscarriages.

    It turned out that scientists were able to find a stronger chemical to use as a hormone replacement and BPA was instead used for it’s clear and hard properties to make something called plastic. Knowing this, it’s no wonder plastic has such negative affects on our hormones. Steer clear of storing and heating your foods in plastic, plastic water bottles, and canned foods.

The book is filled with many more nuggets of helpful information such as improving your sleep quality and limiting your consumption of heavy metals. If you choose to read it, leave me a comment with the most interesting thing you learned!