My name is Madison and I am a 23 year old #womanintech and wellness enthusiast. I love running, yoga, and lifting weights and have a weakness for dark chocolate. I created this platform to share my own health and wellness journey by educating everyone on what I learn along the way.
In high school I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I was put on numerous amounts of medication without feeling any better. I cut out all processed meats and switched to a vegan diet. I began to feel a bit better but noticed I was bloated and inflamed all the time.
Recently, I’ve began healing myself through a high protein diet filled with grass-finished meats, wild seafood, and locally-grown fruits and veggies. I’ve been able to lower my inflammation and feel like the best version of myself.
Everyone’s journey to feeling their best is unique to them. There is no one way to do things or right and wrong answers.
“I want to show people that being healthy and fit doesn’t mean spending $50 on a pilates class, $13 on a salad, or $175 for cryotherapy. You don’t have to spend hours in your kitchen everyday to make something that’s healthy and delicious. You don’t have to kill yourself at the gym doing hours of cardio.”