The Foods You Should ACTUALLY Be Stocking Up On While Quarantined

We’ve all seen the pictures on Facebook and Twitter of the bread and pasta aisles of the grocery store COMPLETELY wiped out. But is this what we should really be eating at a time when our immune systems are being tested?

If you want to stay healthy and energized, bread and pasta is probably the last thing you should be eating. Fats, proteins, and nutrient dense foods are what we need to be eating more of.

Here’s what I’m stock up on:

  • 100% grass-fed ground beef

  • Canned tuna

  • Yogurt

  • Frozen vegetables

  • Frozen blueberries

  • Brown rice ramen

  • Bone broth (read all about its benefits here)

  • Nuts

These are all things that are probably still available at your local grocery store. For some reason nobody thinks to pick up these healthier options that also have long-term shelf life.

Remember the most important thing is your health, especially during times like these. Don’t let your healthy diet go down the drain just because of the panic that you see in the media. You don’t need to stock up on just carbs and canned foods. Our food supply will be fine. The grocery stores won’t close.

Fend Off Corona Virus With These Immune-Boosting Mushrooms

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We all know that the corona virus has been the talk of the town. I don’t think I’ve been able to escape a single conversation without it being brought up. If you have a strong immune system, chances are you will be fine.

There are many ways to ensure your immune system is performing at peak function. One of my favorite ways is to incorporate mushrooms into my daily diet. I like to add Four Sigmatic mushroom powders to my coffee each morning and add a drop of mushroom tincture to my tea before bed.

While most mushrooms are great for your health, to boost your immune system you want to be incorporating resihi, chaga, and cordyceps specifically. Each one serves a different purpose and is extremely beneficial to your health.

Reishi powder, Reishi tincture

Chaga powder, Chaga tincture

Cordyceps powder, Cordyceps tincture